A brief within agency 'Dialogue 141'. To promote The Guardian's new supplement on Architecture using posters and other instore Point-of-sale items.
The challenge was to use images of the buildings included in the supplements but we were unable to get image licenses for all of them and so we had to come up with another way of showing them.
I came up with the solution of creating graphic style drawings of each building in The Guardian's core colours. We were then able to group them together in the same visual.

This then led the way for creating subsequent promotions in this graphical style.
A brief within agency 'Dialogue 141'. The Guardian were using electric vans to deliver their papers to outlets. They briefed us to design a van that showcased their green credentials.
Working with a copywriter, and following the brand's current visual identity, we created the concept of using nature as the 'cogs' that drive the van, as well as being the driving force for this campaign.
Our design was short listed for an MCCA Award: ‘Best Art Direction for Ambient Media’ 2009.

These posters were to promote The Guardian newspaper at music festivals.